
Golden Bloom Bouquet


Each sunflower in this delightful bouquet is meticulously hand-crocheted with love and care, using soft, high-quality yarn. The vibrant yellow petals, detailed brown center, and realistic green stems make this bouquet a beautiful and lasting symbol of joy, positivity, and nature’s beauty. Whether you display them in a vase or give them as a heartfelt gift, these crochet sunflowers will brighten up any space with their everlasting charm.

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Bouquet Includes: 3 hand-crocheted sunflowers
Material: Premium, soft acrylic yarn
Sunflower Size: Each sunflower measures approximately 4 inches in diameter
Stem Length: Each stem is about 10 inches (25 cm) long, flexible for easy arranging in a vase
Care Instructions: Gently dust or hand wash in cold water, reshape, and air dry
Colors: Bright yellow petals, dark brown center, and green stems


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Golden Bloom Bouquet